OnTheAir Video Express from Softron

OnTheAir Video Express from Softron

The TTFN TV forums are already proving useful! Gerbrand came back to a request I made earlier today for a Mac based video player that support dual screens. With the ATEM 1 we need to be able to cue up videos and play them at the touch of a button. Gerbrand suggested OnTheAir Video Express from Softron Media Services who specialise in broadcast software for the Mac.

Like all good software there is a demo version which I have played with today. Not only does it support dual screens but it is designed for broadcasting so does things like cue to the first frame, allows you to add in and out points to play part of a video, create playlists and a lot more. It also supports Blackmagic Design, AJA and Matrox cards for output if you are using a Mac Pro.

At first the price seemed steep (€295 , $495, plus VAT if in the EU) but having seen what it can do am not sure how we can do without it! Will just wait and see what the new Mac minis look like and then hopefully use one as video player source for the ATEM.

If you know of a similar product for windows let me know!

