StudioTech – Chroma Key tips and the Blackmagic Design ATEM 1

Some tips on how to setup a green screen to get successful chroma keys, and how to set up chroma keying with the Blackmagic Design ATEM 1 switcher.

The keying is not great with the ATEM 1. Our background and lighting were good so we suspect the keyer could do with a few tweaks by the folks at Blackmagic once they have the other functions enabled.

Update: A couple of tips from Blackmagic to help setup the key –

1/ It is very hard to use the slider to pick the colour. The best way to pick the colour is to put your mouse over the label “Hue” and you will see that the mouse changes to arrows. You can then click and drag the mouse left/right for very fine adjustments. You can do that for all the settings that need fine tuning.

2/ The narrow Chroma Key range is great for selecting the colour but once you have the key as best as you can get it with the narrow option on I suggest you turn it off because having that option off helps to soften the edges.