Author Archives: Mark

StudioTech Live! 112 – Angelbird SSD’s, News and more…..

We are joined by Roman Rabitsch the CEO of Angelbird Technologies to talk about Solid State Drives and what you need to consider when recording video. Some of the Angelbird drives have a UPS feature that allows them to finish writing data even if they lose power, preventing data (or drive) loss! As always we… Continue Reading

StudioTech Live! 112 – Angelbird SSD’s, News and more…..

StudioTech Live! 112 – Angelbird SSD’s, News and more…..

We are joined by Roman Rabitsch the CEO of Angelbird Technologies to talk about Solid State Drives and what you need to consider when recording video. Some of the Angelbird drives have a UPS feature that allows them to finish writing data even if they lose power, preventing data (or drive) loss! As always we… Continue Reading

StudioTech 98 – We visit award winning podcaster Bob Cartwright.

StudioTech goes on the road and visits Bob Cartwright, an award winning Audio Podcaster who is moving into video. Bob’s podcasting is in support of his business. While researching how best to streamline and improve the production value of his videos Bob came across StudioTech! He has now invested in new bits of kit (including… Continue Reading